This little lady has been with us for a long time! She is now 22 years old and still eating daily and interacting with us as if all if fine. We don’t know how much longer we will get to have her with us but we are thankful for each and every day.
We have know Lizzy since she was a baby. She was surrendered to the WSU Exotics Ward in her first year of life. After living the at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital for several years we adopted her and brought her home to live with us. That was 15 years ago!
She has been one of our best and most well know educational animals over the years. Lizzy has been in countless school programs, she has been on TV, and on stages in front of hundreds of people. She has also been through 6 different moves with us.

For most of Lizzy’s life she has been housed in a full size room with multi level shelves, ramps, and branches for climbing. However as she has aged she has lost mobility just like most elderly individuals. Advanced arthritis prevents her from climbing or holding onto branches well. So now she lives in what we call her retirement home with more flat surfaces and padding. She has also been retired from educational programs for many years just to limit any stress on her body.

Watch her getting a bath here: