Foster Agreement

Snake Haus does NOT routinely offer foster care. If we make an exception and allow your animals to be fostered with us, you must provide an expected time limit that is no longer than three months. You must also accept our health agreement. If either of these requirements are not acceptable you should not foster with Snake Haus.

Forfeiture of ownership:

After the foster agreement time limit is up, these animals must be returned to the original owner. If they are not picked up by the owner and are left in the care of Snake Haus longer than the agreed time, they will be considered a surrender case. At that time the original owner automatically waves all rights to these animals.

Health agreement:

Snake Haus is a rescue that specializes in sick, injured, or otherwise abnormal animals. Fostering healthy/normal animals at either of our facilities may pose some health risks to your animals. We frequently handle animals with health problems that could be contagious.

In the event that one of your animals becomes ill or gets injured while at Snake Haus we will attempt to contact you. If we cannot reach you within 24 hours we will make health care decisions for you as deemed appropriate by the Snake Haus directors. If you will NOT be reachable during foster, please note so in your agreement and that you give rights to Snake Haus for making health decisions for your animals.

  • Snake Haus will not be held liable for any health problems that are found, or that develop, during your animal’s stay with us.
  • If veterinary care is needed for your animal during it’s stay at Snake Haus you may be presented with a bill that is due when you pick up your animal.
  • Failure to pay for required veterinary care at the end of your foster care term will result in you waiving rights to your animal. They may be surrendered to Snake Haus at that time.

We will do everything we can to keep your animals safe, including following quarantine protocols, however the risk should not be ignored. If you can not accept this risk you should find a foster care elsewhere that either has a closed collection, or does not house other snakes.

Please fill out this form fully with good contact information so that we can make every attempt possible to reach you when approaching the end of your foster agreement timeline. You must list a specific date by which you will either be picking up your animal, or forfeiting your rights to them, if you find that you will not be able to take them back.

By signing this form you agree upon these terms. If foster care becomes surrender-ship, the animals may be re-homed if needed by Snake Haus depending on facility and animal needs.

If we have not heard from you by this date your animals will become Snake Haus property and further decisions regarding their care will no longer be your right nor responsibility.